Hey, I'm Manny.

I work at the intersection of art, science, technology, and social interaction. My approach combines creative curiosity with a twist of data-driven analytical thinking.

You do what?

Communication Strategist

It seems like one of those titles that someone thought it’d be great to put two words together just because it sounded buzzworthy.  (Shh, don’t tell anyone the secret!)

From creating experiences for users on digital platforms to coordinating local disaster responses, my mission stays the same – Creating meaningful change through impactful communication driven by art, science, technology, and social interaction.

Creative Design

Telling compelling stories

  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Final Cut Pro
  • Live Video Production

Data Analysis

Turning raw data into actionable insights

  • Web Analytics - Google, SEMRush
  • Microsoft Power Platform (Automate, Bi, Apps)

Strategic Planning

Bringing the mission to life

  • Public Affairs
  • Internal Communication
  • Crisis Communication